Associate professor

Department :

Department of Pharmaceutics

Platform :

Beijing City Key Laboratory of Drug Delivery Technology and Novel Formulations

Contact Details

Zheng Wensheng's group
Brief Introduction

Wang Lulu's research was focused on molecular pharmacology and Nano drug delivery systems. Her research on drug R&D covers metabolic disorders, cancer and infectious diseases. Wang has published a number of papers in Nature Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, Biomaterials, Theranostics, etc. Her group has built strong expertise in drug discovery from natural compounds isolated from herbs and made rationally designed drug formulations.



1. Functional Nano-vector Boost Anti-atherosclerosis Efficacy of Berberine in Apoe(-/-) mice. Acta Pharm Sin B.  2020, 10(9) :1769-1783.

2. Dual-Stimuli-Responsive Gut Microbiota-Targeting Berberine-CS/PT-NPs Improved Metabolic Status in Obese Hamsters.  Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29(14): 1808197.

3.  Liver-target nanotechnology facilitates berberine to ameliorate cardio-metabolic diseases.  Nature Communications, 2019,10(1): 1981-1996.

4. Tumor-selective lipopolyplex encapsulated small active RNA hampers colorectal cancer growth in vitro and in orthotopic murine.  Biomaterials, 2017, 141: 13-28.

5. Chlorogenic acid effectively treats cancers through induction of cancer cell differentiation.  Theranostics, 2019; 9(23): 6745-6763.

6. Development of rectal delivered thermo-reversible gelling film encapsulating a 5-flfluorouracil hydroxypropyl--cyclodextrin complex.  Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016,137: 9-18.

7. Self-assembling HA/PEI/dsRNA-p21 ternary complexes for CD44 mediated small active RNA delivery to colorectal cancer.  Drug Delivery,  2017, 24 (1): 1537-1548.

8. Specific up-regulation of p21 by a small active RNA sequence suppresses human colorectal cancer growth.  Oncotarget, 2017, 8, (15): 25055-25065.

9.  In situ delivery of thermos sensitive gel-mediated 5-fluorouracil microemulsion for the treatment of colorectal cancer.  Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 2016: 10:2855–2867.

10.  Comprehensive evaluation of SCFA production in the intestinal bacteria regulated by berberine using gas-chromatography combined with polymerase chain reaction.  Journal of Chromatography B, 2017,1057: 70–80.

11. Development of in situ gelling and bio adhesive 5-Fluorouracil enema. Plos One, 2013, 8(8): e71037.


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