MA Shuanggang Principal Investigator

Department :

Department of Natural Medicinal Chemistry

Platform :

State Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substance and Function of Natural Medicines

Contact Details

Ma Shuanggang's group
Brief Introduction

Education background

09/2005 - 07/2008: Ph. D. in medicinal chemistry, Institute of Materia Medica, CAMS) & PUMC

09/2001 - 07/2004: B.S. in medicinal chemistry, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University

09/1995 - 07/1999: M.S. Shenyang Pharmaceutical University

Research experience

10/2020-present: Professor, Institute of Materia Medica, CAMS & PUMC

10/2014 - 09/2020: Associate professor, Institute of Materia Medica, CAMS & PUMC

10/2008 - 09/2014: Assistant professor, Institute of Materia Medica, CAMS & PUMC

Ma Shuang-Gang obtained his PhD degree from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) in 2008. His research interests are mainly in bioactive substances from traditional Chinese herbal medicines and medicinal plants with toxicity, as well as structural simplification of complex natural products with bioactivity. He has published more than 60 research papers in international journals, such as Chem. Sci., Org. Lett., J. Org. Chem., etc. More than 14 patents were authorized in China, and 2 of them were officially approved by the United States, the European Union, Japan, and other countries. He was granted 5 academic awards.



1. Library construction of stereochemically diverse isomers of spirooliganin: their total synthesis and antiviral activity.  Chem. Sci. 2021, 12: 7003-7011.

2. Illihenin A, An Antiviral Sesquiterpenoid with a Cage-like Tricyclo[,5]dodecane Skeleton from Illicium henryi .  J. Org. Chem.  2021, 86, 2, 2017-2022.

3. Bioactive prenylated C6-C3 derivatives from the stems and leaves of Illicium fargesii. Bioorg. Chem.  2021, 110, 104734.

4. Highly oxidized sesquiterpenes from the fruits of Illicium lanceolatum.  Phytochemistry.  2020, 172, 112281.

5. New hexalactone derivatives and a pair of new oxaspiro-carbon epimeric glycosides from the fruits of Illicium lanceolatum.  Bioorg. Chem.  2019, 91, 103113.

6. New C-2 diastereomers of flavanone glycosides conjugated with 3-hydroxy3-methylglutaric acid from the pericarp of Citrus grandis  (L.) Osbeck.  Bioorg. Chem.  2018, 50, 519-524.

7. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl flavone glycosides from the leaves of Turpinia arguta.  Fitoterapia.  2018, 124, 80-85.

8. Illisimonin A, a caged sesquiterpenoid with a new tricyclo[,6]decane skeleton from the fruits of Illicium simonsii.  Org. Lett.  2017, 19, 6160−6163.

9. Bioactive sesquiterpenoids from the roots of Artabotrys hexapetalus.  Tetrahedron.  2017, 73, 571-582.

10. Antiviral spirotriscoumarins A and B: two pairs of oligomeric coumarin enantiomers with a spirodienone−sesquiterpene skeleton from  Toddalia asiatica.  Org. Lett.  2016, 18, 5146-5149.

11. Antiviral mono- and bis-prenylated C6-C3 derivatives from the roots of Illicium oligandrum.  Tetrahedron. 2016, 72, 3003-3013.

12. Artaboterpenoids A and B, bisabolene-derived sesquiterpenoids from Artabotrys hexapetalus.  Org. Lett.  2016, 18 (14), 3374–3377.

13. Total syntheses of (−)-spirooliganones A and B and their diastereoisomers: absolute stereochemistry and inhibitory activity against coxsackie virus B3.  Org. Lett.  2015, 17 (12), 3118–3121.

14. Total synthesis of illicidione A and illihendione A.  Tetrahedron.  2015, 71 (29), 4821-4829.

15. A novel asymmetric synthesis of (+)-deoxytylophorinine.  Synthesis.  2015, 47, 1399-1404.

16. Diketopiperazines and sesquilignans from the branches and leaves of Claoxylon polot .  Planta Med.  2015, 81, 748-753.

17. Sesquiterpenes from the roots of Illicium oligandrum.  J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res.  2015, 17(5): 430-438.

18. Antiviral spirooliganones A and B with unprecedented skeletons from the roots of Illicium oligandrum.  Org. Lett.  2013, 15(17), 4450-4453.

19. Novel prenylated C6−C3 compounds from the roots of Illicium henryi.  Phytochemistry Lett.  2013, 6(3), 444-448.

20. Tirucallane triterpenoids from the stems of Brucea mollis.  Chem. & Biodiv.  2013, 10, 695-701.21. Prenylated C6-C3 compounds with molecular diversity from the roots of Illicium oligandrum.  Phytochemistry.  2011, 72(1), 115-125.

22. Four new phenolic diglycosides from the roots of Illicium oligandrum.  Carbohydr. Res.  2011, 346(9), 1165-1168.

23. Dimeric prenylated C6-C3 compounds from the stem bark of Illicium oligandrum.  J. Nat. Prod.  2011, 74(5), 1268-1271.

24. Rearranged prenylated C6-C3 compounds and a highly oxygenated seco-prezizaane-type sesquiterpene from the stem bark of Illicium oligandrum.  J. Nat. Prod.  2009, 72(6), 1017-1021.

25. Cytotoxic oleanane triterpene saponins from Albizia chinensis.  J. Nat. Prod. 2009, 72(4), 632-639.

26. Cytotoxic triterpenoid saponins acylated with monoterpenic acid from Pithecellobium lucidum. J. Nat. Prod.  2008, 71(1), 41-46.


1. High-speed progress in chemistry in China during 1982–2012. Ma, S.-G. and Yu, S.-S. Edited by editorial committee of high-speed progress in chemistry in China.  Science Press Ltd. , Pages 323-325.

2. Triterpenoid chemistry. Ma, S.-G., Liu, Y., and Hu, Y.-C. Edited by Yu, S.-S.  Chemical Industry Press , Pages 104-149.

Honors & Awards

1. 2014, The State Science and Technology Advancement Award, the second class award. 

2. 2013, Beijing Science and Technology Award, the first class award.

3. 2010, The Natural Science Award for Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities, the first class award.